Nelly* came to us because she was a victim of physical and sexual abuse by her boyfriend. In addition, she also had been diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma and had undergone kidney removal surgery. She was in constant pain and had very limited mobility.
Broward Lawyers Care was able to find a pro bono attorney to represent Nelly. Since she was a victim of a violent crime, she was eligible to apply for a U-Visa granting her a lawful immigration status. The application process normally takes 3 to 4 years, but Nelly’s attorney successfully petitioned for expedited processing due to Nelly’s medical conditions. Once Nelly had lawful immigration status, she was able to file for an employment authorization document and was then able to obtain medical insurance through the marketplace. This meant that she was able to properly address and treat her many medical issues. Meanwhile, with Nelly’s assistance, local law enforcement prosecuted the now ex-boyfriend for sexual battery.
*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of our clients.