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Florida Power & Light

FPL Sponsor Page

League of Justice Sponsor

Thank you, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), for supporting our mission to provide access to legal advice, representation, and education to vulnerable residents in Broward County

With the Support of Sponsors like FPL,
Legal Aid Programs:

  • Provide free legal assistance to underserved Broward residents
  • Help individuals and families avoid catastrophic events
  • Encourage social and economic growth
  • Lower community emergency costs
  • And, strengthen our communities!

Making a difference in its communities

FPL has a longstanding relationship with Legal Aid and is proud to partner and offer support for vulnerable residents in the community. FPL is committed to moving Florida and Broward County forward, and its team works hard every day to deliver America’s best energy value to its customers – electricity that’s not just among the cleanest and the most reliable in the country, but also affordable. This includes:

  • Always being there for our community, donating dollars and volunteering time to programs and services to make Broward a great place to live, work and raise a family.

For more information visit