Michelle Reichler, Esq. is a solo practitioner providing legal representation in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach County in the areas of probate and guardianship administration and estate planning.
Reichler volunteers as a pro bono attorney with Broward Lawyers Care to assist clients in need of probate and estate planning. She focuses her efforts with clients in the No Place Like Home program, a project designed to assist low income people in Broward County protect their rights to their homes. Recently, Reichler helped a sixty-nine year old client, Ronald, probate his deceased mother’s house. Ronald has lived in the property for the past three years and intends to stay permanently. His mother passed away in 2016, leaving a will and clearly stating her intent to leave the mortgage-free home to Ronald. However, he needed assistance from a probate attorney to get the home titled in his name.
Reichler earned a JD from the Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University in 2002.