The Senior Citizen Law Project at CCLA provides legal advice and representation to Broward County residents who are 60 years of age or older. While there are no specific financial eligibility requirements, the Project targets its services to those with the greatest economic and social need.
For general information or to apply for assistance, please contact The Senior Citizen Law Project at 954-765-8955, 954-736-2450, or 954-736-2496.
Health and Public Benefits
Abuse and Exploitation
Caregivers (18 or older)
General Brochure
Senior Law Brochure
Social Security Benefits
Medicare Benefits
Food Stamps and Medicaid Applications
Housing Options for Seniors
Services for Seniors in Broward County
American Association of Retired Person (AARP)
Broward County Housing Authority
Fort Lauderdale Housing Authority
Deerfield Beach Housing Authority
Pompano Beach Housing Authority
Hollywood Housing Authority