Chris is a 64 year old Marine Corps Veteran. In October 2019, he went to the ER and was diagnosed with cancer. He had to stop working and had no health insurance. He obtained early Social Security retirement but the amount was not enough for him to pay his bills. He came to CCLA for assistance and was assigned to a Healthcare Access attorney in the Senior Unit and also to the VALOR Project attorney for Social Security Disability assistance.
The Senior Unit attorney immediately helped Chris navigate the maze of healthcare options and helped him chose the best program for his needs. Although he would become eligible for Medicare at age 65, his cancer needed to be treated right away. Chris was mentally and physically unable to deal with the complicated system. The attorney contacted more than six agencies and hospitals to make sure that he was able to receive the scans and chemotherapy he needed.
Meanwhile, the VALOR attorney gathered Chris’s medical records and presented them to the Social Security administration. The attorney maintained contact with them, following up and providing additional information as requested. Chris’s claim was granted at the initial stage of his application, increasing his Social Security monthly amount and enabling him to pay his bills.
This is an example of the holistic services we work hard to provide to our clients. A special appreciation goes out to the United Way/Mission United/SSVF program for the attorney funding.