Dorothy is a 63 year old woman who wanted to divorce her husband, who had recently attempted suicide. Dorothy was referred to our office with the Florida Supreme Court divorce packet in hand that she had purchased from the Clerk of Court. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of forms, our Family Court Self Advocacy Center (FCSAC) attorney, located in the Broward County Courthouse, helped her sort through the packet and focused her on the documents she would need to initiate her divorce. When Dorothy came to our office, she stated that she felt that her age was a limitation to her ability to fill out and file the forms. After two visits to FCSAC, Dorothy completed and filed her divorce pleadings. At the conclusion of her case, Dorothy took the time to return to our office to express her appreciation. She said she felt empowered and had a different perspective as to her ability to navigate the legal system, and now the world, by herself.