Thank you for making the Holidays brighter for 37 families, 103 children/teenagers, 16 seniors and 5 Veterans. Click here to view more photos and inspirational stories!
Birnbaum, Lippman & Gregoire, PLLC | BoardroomPR | Broward College Emerging Leaders Group | Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC | Law Offices of Cheryl Bucker, P.A. | Law Offices of Chorowski & Clary, P.A. | Corporate Insurance Advisors | Giselle Chia and Salomon DIaz | Dunay, Miskel & Backman, LLP | Family Matters Law Group | Gustavo E. Francis, Esq. | Jennifer and Walter Gaul | Howard L. Greitzer, Esq. | Anthony Johnson | Diane and Mark Jones | Kaplan Law Group | Julie Lurie | LifeNet4Families | Steve Mankodi | Robert Moelius | Karen Perkes | Rogers, Morris & Ziegler, LLP | Hale Schantz, Esq. | Lori and Murray Shepard | Alison Smith, Esq.|St. Thomas More Society of South Florida, Inc. | US Legal Support