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Story of Justice: John Struggles in School

Story of Justice: John Struggles in School


John is a high school student with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) under an Intellectual Disability (IND) eligibility. After a placement change to an APD group home, John had to change schools and was placed in a Specialized Varying Exceptionalities (SVE) classroom under his IEP. However, after spending some time at his new school and getting to know his new IEP team, it soon became apparent that John was working at a level significantly lower than the other students in his SVE class. The instruction provided to John was far too advanced for him given his limitations.


J0hn was struggling and deteriorating quickly. Legal Aid Service of Broward County (LAS) was approached to assist John with his situation. As a result, LAS requested a meeting to determine whether John would be better served in a different school setting. In light of Legal Aid’s request, the school requested that a district specialist come out to the school to observe ER in his classroom and make recommendations.

Why It Matters

As a result of their observations and recommendations, the team is now in agreement that John was not appropriately placed according to the Individuals With Disabilities Act (IDEA). This assistance is still taking place and staffing is now scheduled to determine which one of two possible school options is best suited to meet John’s needs so that he can be transferred as soon as possible. Timely advocacy in cases such as John’s can make the difference between a crisis and an appropriate placement where special needs are truly met.

*Names and images have been changed to protect the privacy of our clients

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