Your home is not only an investment but your humble abode. It is your sanctuary and place where you can be your natural self and distress. Jessica, a senior citizen, lived with her husband for many years in the house they chose to spend forever in. Forever was cut short when her husband unexpectedly passed away leaving Jessica in the home alone.
Jessica was unaware that her husband was the only borrower listed on a note and reverse mortgage for their home. This resulted in a foreclosure lawsuit being filed by the reverse mortgage company after he passed away. This was devastating news for Jessica because she did not want to lose the home she had shared with her husband.
Pro bono attorney Paul Regensdorf co-counselled with CCLA attorney Berbeth Foster to ensure that Jessica will be able to stay in the home she shared with her late husband for many years. The parties entered into a Mediated Settlement Agreement, and the case was later dismissed.
The circuit court granted CCLA’s motion for attorney’s fees, but the reverse mortgage company appealed the decision. Regensdorf and Foster fought a hard fight and did not give up. Putting in hours on end, they finally were awarded $39,000 in attorney’s fees.