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Call Us at: 954-765-8950 | Open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Board Member Spotlight: Tiffany Evans

Tiffany has been an active member of our Collier County Advisory Board since September 2016.  She officially became a member of the joint Board of Directors for LAS/CCLA in 2017. Her passion for community service and helping others began at an early age. Upon graduating high school, she sought out working with and fundraising for nonprofit organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, ACLU, and Amnesty International. She continued this path throughout college and her adult life, volunteering at numerous events.
In 2011, Tiffany along with her family, relocated to Collier County. After integrating herself into the community, she delved into partnerships with Habitat for Humanity and Baby Basics. Utilizing her gift of compassion and relatability, organizations placed her at the forefront of their charity events, giving speeches and doing interviews. She also serves as the President for Legacy Lakes Homeowners Association.