Bradley is a Kindergartener with an IEP for Developmental Delay (DD) and Speech Impairment (SI). Bradley’s mother came to Legal Aid after she filed a Due Process Complaint against the school district alleging that her son’s IEP had incorrect information in it and that the school had failed to proceed with an independent evaluation of her son as requested. Legal Aid attorneys attended the Due Process Resolution meeting with the mother, at which time they were able to reach a satisfactory resolution of her complaint. In so doing, the school district agreed to grant the mother’s request for an independent evaluation and to assist her with identifying the independent evaluator. Additionally, the school district agreed to schedule an IEP and Reevaluation Plan meeting to discuss and amend the portions of the IEP the mother took issue with. Additionally, because Bradley will be turning six years old in March 2020, the school agreed to reevaluate him early in order to determine what, if any, disabilities he may continue to qualify for in order to prevent a lapse in services. Since that time, Bradley’s IEP has been updated and amended to correct his present levels of performance (PLPs), and consent has been generated to proceed with a Reevaluation for the suspected disability.
*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of our clients.