Taylor, a young girl, was trafficked by someone in her neighborhood. After this began, her relationship with her mother began to break down. Her behavior began to change; once a straight A student, she dropped out of school and began taking drugs. Her mother was unsuccessful in getting help for Taylor.
Ultimately, an incident occurred that precluded her mother from being able to care for her. Taylor was removed from her mother’s care and placed in a group home where her behavior continued to decline.
Finally, Taylor was provided with an attorney who was able to advocate for a good placement and for services that would aid in repairing the relationship with her mother. Now Taylor is turning her life around. She has begun attending school again and is working toward becoming a nail technician. Taylor and her family are now in family counseling and are addressing the issues that tore them apart. At this time, reunification with her mother is not an option, but she is looking forward to continuing to rebuild their relationship.
*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of our clients.